Saturday, March 31, 2007

Disposable Concept Cellular Phone Design

Chinese designers have come out a very special concept cellular phone which looks like a milk pack. They labeled this design as “Paper Says” disposable cellular phone. Learn from the success of disposable digital camera, this “Paper Says” disposable concept cellular phone might be a sounds idea in next decades, but this “Paper Says” cellular phone design isn’t really appealing to most of people. What do you think?

BenQSiemens Concept Phone That Looks Like A Snake

BenQ Siemens might not do well in Europe after losing so much money in European market, but she does have good looking concept phone that shocks all of us. The pictures shown are BenQSiemens ’s latest concept phone which is snaky looking that can wrap around your hand.

BenQ Siemens’s Black-Box

BenQ Siemens’ newest concept phone, the Black Box, uses a touch screen as its keypad. The touch screen changes the control layout immediately which depends on the functions you are using. What an interesting concept phone it is!

Nokia Aeon Touch Screen Phone Concept

If this model by Nokia hit the market, its gonna be the next RAZR. Code name Aeon, it features a “full surface touchscreen” display that replaces the traditional keypad. Currently it is still in conceptual stage and rumours has it that it will hit the market next year. The design looks futuristic, which is a big surprise because Nokia tend to design big bulky phone when the whole world gone crazy over slim phones.

Hitachi clam

The phone was on display at the ITU Telecom Asia 2000 (which was held in Hong Kong between December 4 and 9). It is really clam-like, and compared to Motorola's clamshell design, it is as different as day and night.

Recycled phones you can throw away without guilt

Guess what, someone in the US is coming up with a US$10 phone that is only as thick as a stack of three credit cards pressed together, and is made from recycled paper products.
The phone is disposable too -- after 60 minutes of use, and you can charge the extra calling time via credit card.
So, if you ever see an ad offering mobile phones at nutty prices (some time in the third quarter of this year but were just guessing) you'd be right to guess it's for a Phone-Card-Phone.

Nokia 3G terminal concept II

Another egg-head. But this time, the machine is flat and elliptical in shape. Emphasis is placed on video-conferencing -- that's why a large screen is specifically featured as part of the device.

Wear it on your palm

Here's a futuristic phone from Mitsubishi, well-known for its Trium series of phones. We wouldn't be surprised if innovative "faceplates" will be invented for the hand!

Phone with mascara make up kit?

This is one of the rare concept phones which has actually been given a name - SX45 (although, as usual, specs aren't available). A third generation (3G) phone, the device features dialing buttons arranged in a circular pattern. Looks like a make-up kit to us.

Eggciting Nokia not ready to hatch

We call it the egg-terminal, even though it is known in Nokia's top secret research circles as the 3G Terminal Concept III. It looks like a PDA-phone, that much we can tell. The champagne-colored device has a colorful iconic interface that is a pleasure to look at, even though the picture presumably shows a mock-up phone that hasnt hatched any electronics yet.

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